Atomic PARAball
Previous Builds





On December 31, Jan 1 and Jan 2 of 2002, Chris organized, once again, another K'Nex build at his house. Team members David, Stacey, Scott, Gary, and Nicky gathered to build one even more awesome K'Nex creation.

The monster project was built from several K'Nex construction sets. The project, named the "Atomic Para Ball," took three days to construct. The project included two towers, ball drops, a ferris wheel, and a parachute jump. During the construction, six webcams were set up along with a remote controlled camera having the capability to be manipulated by visitors to the site.

On February 2nd, when Chris hosted a family party at his house to celebrate birthdays, the Napa Valley Register newspaper sent out a photographer to take two to three rolls of the entire K'Nex construction team working on the Atomic Para Ball. Later the Napa Valley Register sent out a reporter to talk to Chris. An article, complete with pictures, about the K'Nex Atomic Para Ball appeared in the paper on March 11th! Read the article.